Sunday, January 11, 2015

A friend's resin sales

A friend of mine is selling some of her dolls...

If you're interested in any of the following,
you can email her at:

Ok, so here goes!

Luts Chiwoo Head $60

Unoa Lusis with headback SOLD

For the Latidoll, there is only one body, but two different Rucus heads to choose from.
The head and body combination will cost $250
The remaining single head will cost $70

Latidoll Rucus (Head 1)

Latidoll Rucus (Head 2)

DIM Archenar $350

Littlefee body, Normal Skin $200

Rosette Body $200


  1. Lots of pretties there Heather, and if I hadn't just gone into debt with my last purchase, I would have snapped that LF body up. I could really do with one of those for my Event head, but sadly not this time. :(

  2. Wrote your friend yesterday regarding the LTF body :)

    1. Hopefully you guys can work something out! I really have no idea what her selling terms are, I just offered to take some pics of her dolls for her. XD

    2. Sadly she never replied to me so I had to go with another LTF body that was offered to me :/ I wish her good luck in selling though!
