Ok! So I've been a bit MIA lately...
but with many, many reasons, some exciting, some really crappy,
which I will now share!
Let's start with the biggest one first,
I've been feeling really awful lately... for the last, oh,
19 weeks to be exact.
Seriously awful.
Vomiting, nausea, can't sleep awful...
because I have one of these on the way!
(This is NOT my baby, this is my niece)
This will be my first kid...
so I had no idea what to expect from pregnancy,
and so far, it's been a terrible roller coaster of illness.
I'm still waiting for that "glowing" stage, lol!
Yay? :)
Second, we're trying to move.
(pic above is in the old, crappy house we're renting)
Nothing like piling on the stress when you're pregnant, right?
We are in the process of closing on a new house,
and packing up our old house.
We're really hoping to kiss the old house goodbye before it snows.
Third, my car recently got totaled by a deer...
and since we're buying a new house,
I can't get a new car until that process is done.
(The home loan folks HIGHLY recommend no big purchases while trying to buy a house)
That was a highly stressful event that has been a real pain in the butt.
On the plus side, my car insurance, Progressive, did an AWESOME job at helping me out
and taking care of everything.
Fourth, we went on vacation to Disney and Universal,
which was AWESOME...
except I got food poisoning at Disney and was hospitalized,
which, being pregnant, was pretty scary.
Thanks, Disney -_-
We also went to Savannah, Georgia... which is a very cool old town.
So... yeah... hectic, crazy and filled with "morning" sickness
(morning is a lie, it's morning, noon and night sickness for me)
My plan is to get back into the swing of things this week!
So long as nothing else too crazy happens!!!!