Adventurer's Club

I'm trying to make things easier when it comes to viewing our adventures... so I made the club its own blog!

My idea is that for those of us who want to be adventurers, just send me your email address and I will add you as an "author" to the Adventurer's Club blog.
That way you can submit your adventure for the month as a post!

That way, all of our posts will be organized by month and year (which shows up in the right hand side bar of the blog)

Don't worry! If you don't want to create an account, you can still email me your entry, and I will add it for you! I will also still add images that are added to our Adventurer's Flickr Group.

Check out the Adventurer's Club blog for all the latest adventure entries!


  1. OH, no no, January is a wild card, you can enter at any time throughout the year! I'm working on updating them now... February has been insaaaanely busy!!!

  2. Hi Heather!
    Is there any chance of a button we could add to our side bar and link to here? Like "Adventurer's Club Member" or "Click to Join", if we all added it, it could bring in a few more participants.

  3. Oh no, did my Feb. entry (sent through email) not go through? D:

    1. I am still updating February... work has been very busy this month and it's left me little time, so I was pretty much doing a mid-month and end of month update... hopefully March won't be as crazy!

    2. Oh, it's cool. I wasn't sure if I sent it too late or maybe misspelled your address. :D

  4. Hi! I sent last month the info for my entry for January on a comment in this blog and sent an e-mail with the info for my entry for February, but my pics haven't been added yet >.<
    I guess you've been busy.

    1. Oh my goodness... yes, I totally missed these! Please forgive the hiccups... I've been super slammed at work lately and it's gumming up the works a bit! I'm working on a better way of organizing and updating this list!
