Friday, May 18, 2012

Whatever DID happen on Squeak's birthday?

Well, Squeak was going to celebrate with Ella... but when the time came, she was nowhere to be found... whatever DID happen to Squeak??

Oooh! Shhh... let's not disturb her :)

Squeak now has several lovely diaries... but, the best part of her birthday, by far was the crayons that are JUST HER SIZE!!!
The two cute little crayon drawings came with the crayon set too!!!

They are made by Minnie Kitchen who has an awesome etsy site here:

and a really great blog here:

You should seriously look into purchasing from her! She was even nice enough to make 1/6th scale when I asked... since a lot of the stuff in her store is 1/12th and wouldn't work for Neemos!

I also got some...

from her!!! Or, I should say, Madoka got some Whoppers from her. LOL.

Thank you, so much, Minnie Kitchen!!!
These were the perfect presents for Squeak and I'm so glad you were willing to work with me to make them in the right size!!


  1. Those tiny crayons are just amazing. I thought you'd worked some more photoshop magic at first!

    1. I know! They look so real... Minnie Kitchen does a really wonderful job!!

  2. Those crayons look very realistic - and Squeak looks quite happy playing with them. I checked out Minnie Kitchen as you suggested and her mini items are lovely.

    1. Oh thank you! I'm sure she very much appreciates you stopping by, and yes, her stuff is really great. I have no idea how people make such awesome stuff in such a small scale!!!

      Squeak LOVES playing with them!!! And her new little journals!
      (I had to take one of her fist hands and cut it apart so that she could hold one of the crayons, but it turned out pretty nicely!)

  3. So detailed. All the little prezzies are adorable.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I had to wait on Squeak's birthday because I didn't have the journals yet... I had misplaced them and just couldn't find them... that was the real reason for her birthday delay -_-;;;
