Thursday, May 3, 2012

Madoka, Madoka, EVERYWHERE!

Hi Everyone, it's Madoka!

Last weekend Heather thought I might like to go with her to a little thing called Acen.

Acen stands for Anime Central, and I guess it's a bunch of people who get together because they like cartoons! Well... I like cartoons too! So of course I wanted to go!

There were a lot of people, but that wasn't the most shocking thing...

Madoka: Hi everyone! Heather's cell phone camera was NOT working!!! Sorry for the less than perfect pics :(
The most shocking thing was...


This guy was working on a chalk drawing... it was so cool... but why is he drawing a picture of me?

Here it is flipped, so you can see the image right side up... there were a lot of people crowded around, so we could only photograph it upside-down!
This girl was even dressed like me! What. The. HECK?! ... and I feel like I should know the girl with yellow hair... but thinking about her seems to make me sad. I wonder why?
 How do so many people know about me?
I'm really confused. Everywhere we went, people knew me.

It was really weird.


  1. I love this post!! The photos with Madoka are too cute!! This kind of conventions seems fun, unfortunately I have never been able to participate :(

    1. Aww, hopefully someday! They are a lot of fun... the most fun part, of course, is people watching, probably 80% of the people there are in costume.

  2. That would be scary Madoka! Nice to be popular tho!

    1. Hahaha! It might not be so nice for her to be popular... she comes from a very tragic anime! (But my Madoka doesn't know that, she's forgotten her past)

  3. So many Madokas! I would be equally confused if I saw myself everywhere.

    1. She was confused by all the Kyubey's asking her for a contract too, I forgot to take a picture of it, but someone even gave her a Kyubey charm... she is wearing it, but it kind of scares her.

  4. Your post was so amusing, it literally made me laugh out loud!! I would be weird-ed out too if a random someone was drawing pictures of me on the floor too! :D

    1. hahahaha, yes, she totally doesn't get it! She doesn't remember who that other girl in the picture with her is either. Poor Homura XD

  5. Cosplay! I love these photos. I miss going to conventions. Glad to see fun was had.

    1. Oh absolutely! Thanks for checking the photos out!
