Well, she's not perfect,
but she's the first reroot I've ever done :)
I gave her face a good scrub (she was one dirty girl)
trimmed all her hair off and rerooted her.
I had *meant* to trim her hair in the
Toki Doki barbie style...
but I haven't been able to bring myself to cut more
than just the bangs yet, LOL.
I may just do another one,
since I found those other two Steffie heads,
and I really like the Toki Doki girl with that sly
Summer Steffie style eye.
Left: How she started, Right: After my reroot
Then, not being a fan of her uber pink lips with the pink hair
(they were even more pink than they show up in the reroot pic)
and also not being a fan of her line-line-line eyebrows,
I enhanced her faceup:
I gave her more solid eyebrows, made her lips a more natural pink,
gave her more blush and evened out the black in her eyes.
I hope you like her!