Items for sale
Item prices do not include shipping.
by Volks
DRESS ONLY, boots and leggins not included.
Size: DDS (S/M/L Bust), DD (S/M/L Bust)
Included Items: Beret, Hooded Cape, Blouse, Ribbon Tie, Skirt
Price: $100
Included Items: Beret, Hooded Cape, Blouse, Ribbon Tie, Skirt
Price: $100
Sakura Pink Fer
by Dollheart
Size: DDS (S/M/L Bust), DD (S/M/L Bust, DDdy
Included Items: Dress, Underskirt, Coat, Choker
Price: SOLD
Neris Default Outfit
by Volks
Size: DD (M Bust) Included Items: Wig (not pictured), Hair Ribbon (not pictured), Short Jacket, Armlets (x2), Sleeveless Top, Corset, Apron, Skirt, Petticoat (not pictured), Panties, Boots, Belt with Quiver, Basket (not pictured)
Price: $200
Denim Pleated Jumper Dress Set
by Volks
Size: DD (L Bust Only), DDdy
Included Items: Choker, Blouse, Denim Jumper Dress
Price: SOLD
by Dollheart
Size: SD13/10 Girl, DD (S/M/L Bust), DDdy, DDS
Included Items: Skirt, Petticoat, Choaker,
Price: SOLD
Pink and Blue Outfit
by Dollheart
Size: I have only tried this on my DDs girl, but it's Dollheart, so was made for SD13 girls and will probably fit other sizes of DD as well.
Included Items: dress, underskirt, arm sleeves, headpiece
Price: SOLD
Steampunk Outfit
by Dollheart
Size: SD13 Boy, DDdy
Included Items: Goggles, Striped Shirt, Clock Sash, pants, striped socks
Price: $60
Millhiore F. Biscotti Default Outfit
by Volks
by Volks
Size: DDS (M Bust) but I have also put this outfit on other body types (DD)
(Picture below is the outfit on a DD M bust)
Included Items:
Wig, Hair Accessories (×2), Doggy Ears, Top, Bustier, Puff Sleeves, Arm Covers, Skirt, Petticoat, Doggy Tail Belt, Cape, Glove Hands
Wig, Hair Accessories (×2), Doggy Ears, Top, Bustier, Puff Sleeves, Arm Covers, Skirt, Petticoat, Doggy Tail Belt, Cape, Glove Hands
Price: $200
Mariko Sensei Default Outfit Pieces
by Volks
Size: Varying, see below
"Persona 4" Rise Kujikawa Default Outfit
by Volks
Size: DD S bust (I haven't tried the coat on other sizes, but the white shirt and skirt fit on all DD and DDS bodies)
Included Items: Scarf, Sailor Top, Inner Top, Skirt, Socks
Panties and Shoes NOT INCLUDED
Price: $75
Pajama Sets
by Azone
Size: Azone 50cm, DD, DDS
Blue Set: Included Items: Pants, Shirt
Pink Set: Included Items: Pants, Shirt
Price: $30 EACH
Tan School Outfit
by Azone
Size: Azone 50cm (I haven't opened it, so not sure what else it fits)
Included Items: Coat, Skirt
Price: SOLD
Bear Hat
by Mitiline
Size: SD/DD heads, Blythe
Included Items: Bear Hat
Price: $15
Ami Ayase Black Turtleneck
by Volks
Size: SD16, SD13, DD, DDdy, DDS
Included Items: Black Turtleneck
Note the special arm sleves that are fingerless gloves as well.
This was part of the default outfit of the 2nd release of Ami Ayase.
I have put it on my DD girls with no staining,
but still take caution when putting it on a DD gal.
Price: $25
Beauty White Limited Olive Outfit
by Minoru World
Included Items:
Witch Hat, Rabbit Ear Cape, Blouse, Skirt, Net Stocking, Ash Blonde shaggy cut wig
Price: $60
Charlotte Baby The Stars Shine Bright Dress
by Volks
Size: SDG, SD13, DD, DDdy, DDS
Included Items: Dress, Underskirt, Bloomers, Headpiece
Price: $200
Kitty Shirt
by Unknown
Size: SD13, DDdy, DD, DDS
Included Items: Goggles, Striped Shirt, Clock Sash, pants, striped socks
Price: SOLD
MSD Skull Jacket
by ???
Included Items: Jacket (has built in pointy long hood and long sleeves)
Price: $15
MSD Yukata
by unknown
Included Items: Yukata
Price: SOLD
SD / DD Shirts
by Unknown and Volks
Size: See Below
White Top: DD & DDS (S/M/L bust) ... haven't tried it on DDdy
Price: $10
Volks Nanami Default Top: DD (S/M) & DDS (S/M bust)
(top has dark pink sleeves, not red... they just look red in this pic)
Price: $25
by Volks
Size: SD13\10 Girl, DD, DDS, DDdy,
Included Items: slippers
Price: SOLD
by Volks
Size: SD13, DDdy, DD, DDS
Included Items: Vest
Price: $20
MSD Outfit
by Volks
Size: MSD, MDD (can even work as a top for DD S bust)
Included Items: Dress, Bunny Hoodie
Price: SOLD
SD / DD Wigs
by Miruya and Licht
Size: 8-9
Miruya Golden Blonde Wig: 8-9
Price: $20
Licht blue/pink/purple gradient wig: 8-9
Price: SOLD
Ante (?) Default Dress
by Fairyland
Size: YoSD
Included Items: Dress Only
Price: $30
Marsh Pants
by Marsh
Size: YoSD
Red and Black: Price: SOLD
Gold: Price: SOLD
Patterned Denim: Price: SOLD
YoSD Socks
by Unknown
Size: YoSD
Included Items: 3 pairs of socks pictured below
Price: $5 Each or 3 for $10
MSD & YoSD Pieces
by Various
Size: See Below
1: Friends2BMade Top (fits slim MSD): Price: $5
2: Friends2BMade Top (fits slim MSD): Price: $5
3: Volks YoSD Purse: Price: $10
4: Hat (fits YoSD): Price: $5
5: Friends2BMade skirt (fits slim MSD): Price: $56: Luts Top (fits MSD): Price: $5
YoSD Items
by Volks and Dollheart
Size: SD13 Boy, DDdy
1: Socks (maker unknown): Price: $5
2: Undies (Volks): Price: $5
3: Dollheart YoSD Shoes, limited, no longer available: Price: $40
4: Undies (Volks): Price: $5
YoSD Items
by Volks
Size: YoSD
1: Undies: Price: $5
2: Hat and Coat Set: Price: $20
3: White Tank Top: Price: $5
4: Coat: Price: $15
YoSD Wigs
by Various
1: Leeke YoSD wig (needs styling help): Price: $10
2: Volks YoSD Limited Mamu Wig: Price: $20
3: Volks YoSD Limited YoTenshi Wig: Price: $20
4: N/A

This wig is the same style as Wig #1... just to show what the style looks like.

Wig #2

Now this is a sale! Very nice stuff. I'm so glad I don't collect this size doll. I would have been in trouble.