Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What does the fox say?

Perhaps, like me, you were duped into watching this.

It's really just a weird video...
I think the weirdest part for me though, is how well put together it is.

And I was even a tad more weirded out to find there is a children's book 0_0



  1. DindindindidindirinDindindindidindirinDindindindidindirinDindindindidindirinDindindindidindirinDindindindidindirin

  2. Yep, that's pretty peculiar! And I'm a person who listens to a lot of peculiar music... heck, I liked Whale back in the day!

  3. My daughter love this video (she is 2 years old) she sings a long and dance =) First I thought the video was a bit silly, but now I like it too (That's really good, because we have watched it more times than I can count...) The Norwegian humorous group (the Ylvis brothers) are quite funny, I saw a show on how they did the video and why =) Really good work I most say. Haven't seen the book before, I might just have to look for that to give to my daughter =)

  4. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/257/1/3/what_does_the_fox_say__by_maylinshikora-d6mbild.jpg
